In fact,we are preparing for our glory day to come.Germany,USA,Russian,China and a lot more of nations has achieved their glory day for a long time ago.
The Roman empire conquer the world after they invented the road,USA nuclear and what do Malaysian need to be like that?Maybe the day hasn't come yet,and when it would,we must prepare for our downfall.Nazi's empire last for only 10 years,Soviet about 80 years and Ottoman 600 years.This is the rule,every glory day has it's downfall.
Discussing about developing a nation will only hit a dead end.We must act and stop talking crap.Developing a nation require more action than talk.We cannot build a nations slowly because at one stage,it will decline sharply.We must do it tremendously,unprecedented and the most important is wisely.Taking account into today's Malaysia situation,there's no way we can conquer the world or become a developed country if we didn't do something that is tremendously.For all this while,we have been living in peace and this could become catastrophic one day.We are in peace because we just following and obey what the developed country had ordered.We didn't realize that we have been oppressed because we want to live in peace,something they'd assured you if we followed what they said.Anytime they will use us and take advantage over our weakness.
Japan,Germany,Russian and Britain has now become the developed country because of their past history.They dared to fight against their rival and show no mercy.Genocide,annihilation and realpolitik was the key for their today's.It may seem violence and ruthless,but without all this they are nothing today.Japan want to be the big power and they did it with their military,so do the Germany,Russian,Britain and USA.They are all have violence history.So Malaysian,what do we have?How long we have to wait?400 years of being invaded by Portuguese,Dutch,Britain and Communist is not the reason.There's still time to be the world's power.Hitler prepared for the world war 2 just a few years and we also can do it.They're human and so do us.Morality should be put aside because we just want the consequences for the sake of our future generation.
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