Today,when I checked my mail,I was surprised to see that I got a lot of offer worth million of dollar.They were given me million dollar in exchange a small payment for the administration fee.Look at this,why did Gmail put all this mail in my spam folder?Shit... I should have been rich if I noticed this earlier.So,which one should I start first?I'm the lucky person in the world,got million of dollar with just sitting and do nothing.No hard work,boss,dateline or pressure.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I put you on coma. True blogging experience. No autoplay song, read with confident of not having to mute your speaker or worst case scenario, die of heart attack
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Oh my...I'm millionaire now
Today,when I checked my mail,I was surprised to see that I got a lot of offer worth million of dollar.They were given me million dollar in exchange a small payment for the administration fee.Look at this,why did Gmail put all this mail in my spam folder?Shit... I should have been rich if I noticed this earlier.So,which one should I start first?I'm the lucky person in the world,got million of dollar with just sitting and do nothing.No hard work,boss,dateline or pressure.
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